Thursday, March 15, 2007

When was the last time...

I was thinking while in PNG about some things I do there that I can't remember the last time I did those about you?

I can't remember the last time I...
...took malaria preventative
...treated my kids for malaria
...did an ant check of the shelves of clothes armed with a can of bug spray
...took a shower with only cold water turned on
...took a shower with the curtain open so the fan could blow on me in a desperate effort to cool off
...slept with no covers
...was glad to see a gecko on the wall (they eat bugs)
...knocked an ant off my toothbrush, rinsed it, and used it anyway
...took a box of vegetables as a carry-on on a plane
...made home made bread (thanks Bekka)
...made home made french fries (should do that more often)
...made my own sour cream from cream and vinegar (won't miss doing that)
...brought my own toilet paper on the air plane
...didn't pay a fortune for organic vegetables (they're all organic at the market)
...drank boxed milk
...took two showers a day because I was so filthy from the sweat.

And I cried like a baby when we left all this!


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