Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How do you handle persecution?  When it is someone else asking me for advice, I seem to have all the answers.  But when it is directed at me or my family, suddenly I want to run away to some far off land and forget it all.  As I look to Christ to lead me, I see that He ran to the Father.  He went away to pray.  It is as though that was His way to refuel.  Am I at the point in my life where I can say, "Not my will but Thine" even if that means the persecution does not stop?  I want God's will if it is good, not if it's bad.  Is that too honest?  Does anyone else feel that way?  When I read of the martyrdom of Christians from yesterday and today, the peace they often experience is thrilling and convicting all at once.

Elizabeth Eliot writes regarding suffering, "What was this little incident of mine compared to the Lord's suffering?  (What of) Jesus' willingness not only to eat with Judas who would soon betray Him but also to kneel before him and wash his dirty feet."  Oh, the beautiful example of Christ.  That I might have one small portion of His humility in times of trial.
We recently got to lay some sod in the grass in front of the stone church in Alma.  It looks so great!  Now if only they could get some good rain!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Before: on our way to Texas

During: windows down on the freeway...

Mary: During

Mary and Bonnie after: how is this possible?
Betty at a Texas ATM campus visit with cousin Rachel.

On our way to the motherland. 

Haven't heard from us in a while...

So today I was browsing on the internet and decided to take a little peek at our family blog. Some of the pictures on here are a bit old, so I thought we should update them. I mean, really, who wants to look at us in all of our braces and glasses glory? Those pictures are going to be taking an extended vacation to the trash bin. Just kidding. My mother would strangle me if any of us children got rid of "memories".

Anyway, our life is not that exciting right about now. we are just continuing with school, piano, and extra-curricular sports. I, Bonnie, was on the high school swim team, and Mary will be starting tennis with the middle school in, uh, May I think... Betty and Sally are really excelling in piano lessons. Betty is on the regular schedule for the church piano playing.

We are all preparing for a piano competition in June. Basically, we have to memorize and perfect 7 songs, and do: scales, chords, arpeggios, ear training, etc. If any of you have ever played piano, then you will understand that these expectations are just a bit hard to beat. Then again, our teacher did start us in March... Earlier, next year, maybe? I will upload some recent pics of us in our home-schooled, freezing cold (it snowed this morning), sick of the snow glory.

Well, gotta run. We are spending the weekend in Denver so we can be warm, and *gasp* actually shop somewhere where there are more than 5 stores in one area!!!