Sunday, January 10, 2010

Home stretch

We are now in our last week in Papua New Guinea.  Wow!  It has gone fast.  We are excited to be here (friends, serving and helping the missionaries, playing outside) but we are missing home a little, too (our kitties, no ants in our food, storebought bread).  I have said before that heaven for me (Tracie) will be when I can have all my friends and sisters in Christ in one place together. 

Yesterday (Sunday) we worshipped the Lord and His creation at the beach.  We had a lovely time at Malolo.  It is a beautiful black sand beach.  The seas were a little rough but the girls loved it so very much anyway.  Richard stayed out in the ocean with them much of the time and they love it when Dad is with them.  I got some fun video of our time that we will upload when we get to the States. 

Richard is working today on finishing the cabines for the Lockwood family.  They are moving into the Pal language group soon after we leave.  They have been workind for probably 2-3 years in PNG to get there.  They researched the area, visited the people, surveyed the area, built their houses (materials flown in by helicoptor) and are getting ready to make their final move.  Richard has built their kitchen cabinets and they look great.  His is finishing the doors today.  Kim, the wife, came and looked at them on Friday and really liked them.  A woman and her kitchen are the same whether in Frisco or's always nice to have pretty cabinets.

We met as a group yesterday to fellowship together.  Richard gave the message which was a challenge from Romans 14.  He spoke of the importance of working to edify the body at all times.  It is a pro active thing, not just something that happens. 

Monday duties call...Love to all...

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